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Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community HDR_BECOMECONTRIB Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community Share-news Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community Express_yourself_logo Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community Your_Opinion_Counts
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 Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community

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Mensagens : 29
Data de inscrição : 2011-08-11

Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community Empty
PostSubject: Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community   Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community EmptyThu 11 Aug 2011, 6:44 pm

Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community Messenger_merc-150x150NASA

Comet Elenin is attracting more and more
interest in the scientific community; at the end of July observations
were made on the largest submillimeter telescope in the world JCMT. Since August 1st, observations are ongoing
with the space telescope STEREO-B; they will continue for several
weeks. It is probable that the comet will be visible in the field of the
COR2 (STEREO) coronagraph beginning August 20. Beginning September
23rd, for 6 days, the comet will be visible in the field of view of the
LASCO C3 coronagraph on the SOHO spacecraft.

Very recently I received information that several more spacecraft may observe comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin), specifically Venus Express and Messenger.
These observations will allow us to obtain unique information about the
comet at the time of its perihelion when it will not be observable from
the Earth.

Observations are planned with SPICAV UV
in the 110-310 nm wavelength band on the Venus Express spacecraft and
Messenger’s MASCS spectrograph. Moreover, by simultaneous observations
from two spacecraft with different points of view, with the VMC camera
on Venus Express and the MDIS camera on Messenger, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional model of the comet’s coma! It is possible that comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin)
may become the brightest comet that these two spacecraft may observe
during their entire time of service. I hope this application is approved
and the observations take place.
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Comet Elenin is attracting more and more interest in the scientific community
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