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Subject: ANNUNAKI A ORIGEM Wed 10 Aug 2011, 6:56 pm
Ancient Aliens : Sumerians & The Annunaki - Vincent Illuminati Karmelita - ANNUNAKIA : Return of the Gods
Mensagens : 29 Data de inscrição : 2011-08-11
Subject: ANNUNAKI Thu 11 Aug 2011, 3:26 pm
The Anunnaki were pattern-makers, the creators of archetypes and a part of the template for human life on Earth. All cultures tell the same story of these gods (with different names depending on where you are), their gifts to humanity, their failures, their characteristics, their loves, their battles and the results of such warfare are recorded in literature, ritual, art, oral tradition and religion.
The name "Anunnaki" can mean many different things [based on Hebrew interpretations] - it is rich with meaning. "An" is short for "anachnu," which means "we"
"An" also means "heaven" "Naki" means "clean"
So, the name can mean "We are clean" and "heaven is clean," clean as in "pure."
"Ki" means "Earth," so "We are here on Earth." "Heaven is on Earth." "Anu is here on Earth."
The "we" is also meant as a collective oneness, of the Source.
Those who join Heaven & Earth.
Anunnaki, "Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came" (Sumerian);
Anunnagi, "Shining Ones" or "Star Children";
NTR /Neter/Neteru, (Egyptian);
Elohim (Hebrew);
DIN.GIR; "The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets";
Tchatcha; Watchers; (Jewish),
Zophim; Nephilim/Nefilim, "Those who have come down, from the heavens to the Earth" or "those who have fallen" Anakims; Nifleheim, (Norse);
Jotuns; ILU, (Akkadians) "Lofty Ones" from which the Hebrew biblical El stems.
Ba'al Lords/Anukim, (Canaanites and Phoenicians)
Devas, "Shining Ones" (Aryan, ancient Scythian also "Elf Lords of the Scythians");
Titans, "Sons of Anu" "Spirits of the Stars" (from Sumerian TI.TI.AN) "Sons of Stone";
Fir Bolg' (Scandinavian)
To the Sumerians and all of Mesopotamia, Anu was a sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations, and the father not only of all the gods but also of evil spirits and demons, most prominently the demoness Lamashtu, who preyed on infants. He was the father of the Anunnaku (also spelled Anunnaki). It was believed that he had the power to judge those who had committed crimes and that he had created the stars as soldiers to destroy the wicked. His attribute was a royal tiara decorated with two pairs of bull horns. His symbol resembles somewhat like a Maltese cross, representing as it appears the four points of the compass and hence the entire heavens. His bow, which is frequently mentioned, can probably be identified as the Milky Way.
Anu possesses vast powers of an unknown nature, which seem to surpass the powers of any other Mesopotamian god. Magical in their form and nature, these powers can be employed in numerous forms. He can project rays of mystical forms resembling modern lasers that can explode on impact and erect shields and objects such as thrones and ships from this energy. He can also create dimensional portals at will to travel between earth and heaven and create spells that augment or enforce spells already in existence. He can project his image, voice or energy bolts from heaven to earth and even place bondage spells powerful enough of bonding individuals to certain realms. Anu seems to have limited precognitive and sensory awareness to perceive facts and information from beyond time and space.
Anu was considered part of a triad including Enlil, god of the air and Enki, god of water. In the Code of Hammurabi it is said that then the goddess Inanna (or Antum) of Ereck may at one time have been his consort. Anu is so prominently associated with the city of Erech in southern Babylonia that there are good reasons for believing this place to have been the original seat of the Anu cult. Anu was the god of the 'great above', and the son of the first pair of gods, Ansar and Kisar, descendant of Apsu and Tiamat.
In the Sumerian cosmology there was, first of all, the primeval sea, from which was born the cosmic mountain consisting of heaven, 'An', and earth, 'Ki'. They were separated by Enlil, then Anu carried off the heavens, and Enlil the earth.
After ruling for 9 years of his own, Anu was dethroned by his son, Enlil. There have been comparisons with the myth of Anu's dethronement to that of the Greek myth concerning Zeus and his father, Cronos. Like Cronos, Anu was castrated by his son with a bronze sickle.
Anu cursed Enlil to have three miserable sons for his disobedience and escaped. He retires to the upper heavens where Anu welcomed most of the gods into this new realm he called Celestial Dilmun, but Enlil, now calling himself Dagon, was soon overthrown by his brother Hadad, now called Baal. He confined both of them to Earth and after both of them were ousted as rulers, he confined both of them to separate kingdoms in the underworld. From the heavens, Anu reclaimed his role as King of the gods.
Anu’s father was Asher, Marduk was called Asar or Ra, the grandfather of Osiris who himself was also called Ashur or Asar ( As - Ar: ’Seeing Lord’, a Naga or Dragon, A Merlin or Druidhe). These and their variants, including the Norse Aesir and the Gaelic Scythian (Aryan) Aes Dan mean "he who sees", (Ashshur - he who sees - [again: Ash Shar - ’Seeing Lord’] from segment six of an Assyrian clay tablet formed as a disc of eight segments, copied from an earlier Sumerian original - excavated from the ruins of the Royal Library of Nineveh) which is the very foundation and meaning of the Greek word derkesthai, from whence we derive the word Dragon.
In Aryan Samael or Ahura (Ash-ura?) Mazda is called Tvashtri or Tv-Ash-Tri and rumor has it that he, the elder brother, actually sired Indra who, when the pantheon is streamlined, turns out to be Dyaus Pater, which has certain ramifications when converted into Sumerian because Tvashtri "the Fashioner" converts as we have seen into Enki-Nidimmud "The Craftsman" whose brother isn’t Ninurta (Indra), but Dyaus Pater or Enlil.
The conflict between Enki and Enlil therefore, might have been more deep seated than at first we realized, because it may not have been just simply the rivalry between two brothers, but the rivalry between a father - Enki, and his forbidden brother-son - Enlil. Such a conflict was played out between Zeus and Cronos (who had led a rebellion of the Titans against Uranus), but also between Zeus and Prometheus.
In Aryan (ancient Scythian) the Asuras are also called Devas meaning "shining ones" and this epithet also becomes applied to both the members of the Anunnaki and the later fairies who descended from them. Earlier scholarly sources have the name Anunnaki translated also as the variant ’Anunnagi’, meaning "shining ones" and here we have a relationship with the Vedic Nagas.
From the Sumerian Chronicles we learn that the children of Anu were "the Anunnaki who decree the fates" meaning that they themselves were also the mori or fata, the "Fairies" the scale-armoured leprachauns - the dragon kings who, in the Aryan Vedas appear alongside their divine companions and are referred to as the Nagas, who became the snake deities of India who guard a submerged treasure, echoing the central theme of the grail and ring cycles.
The Grail and the lake represent the womb. The Magic Ring hidden in the lake and the red gold flow and the dew of the Grail both represent the life giving blood and mumae, the "submerged" or "hidden" treasure of the serpent tailed and swan’s winged mermaids, the Naga goddesses of the north, whose wouivre or double-ended tails and wings are also to be found in representations of the ancient "Aesir" - the Titan * or elder god - Typhon, son of Gaia and Tartarus, whose other children included these vampiric Lamias - the meremaids or naiads, and whose name is closely associated with Tartaria in Transylvania, the original home of the Dragon Queens and Kings.
* Titan derives from the Sumerian TI.TI.AN which means: 1) The breath of life of Anu (the Sons of Anu - the Nefilim) 2) The Spirits of the Stars (the Star People) Several thousand years after the contest between Typhon and Zeus, Typhon’s fairy descendants, Ygraine, Morgana and Melusine were still portrayed in medieval church architecture with his wings and double ended tail, and a depiction of Melusine with these physical attributes appears as a supporter in the arms of the Imperial and royal house of Vere.
In Typhon as a Dragon God, we remember Odin, who himself was often portrayed as a dragon or serpent, a Naga, and that he too was an Aesir, a member of the old, warlike order of gods. Odin is always associated with Yggdrasil or Yggd-Rad -Aes-Hel the World Ash of the Norse and here we will recall that the tree’s name means Steed of Yggd or Odin and was a goddess who performed the same function as the queens of Avallon. As a serpent he is often seen entwined around the Aes Tree echoing the depiction of Samael as the Serpent (N’H’SH), entwined in Lilith’s branches.
Subtext - The Naga
At this juncture we must break off and study the Aryan Naga - the serpent devas, guardians of treasures "hidden in water". We will do this by first looking at the Hebrew word nahash. this word means serpent (and thus dragon) and derives from the consonant root N’H’SH - a snake.
In Hebrew Qabalah and particularly and rather oddly, in relation to the Jewish practice of divination by birds or Ornithomancy, the serpent or Nahash is one who discovers hidden secrets or wisdom from the Raven, the Dove or the Swan (Warburg Lectures, Universtity of London, private dissertation on Qabalah and Jewish Ornithomancy 1996). The N’H’SH is Enki-Samael the SU.HUR.MASH (Capricorn - the Goat-Headed Sea Serpent) or A.LU.LIM (Ram of the "Glittering" [or Shining, as in Elven] Waters) is associated with Lilith of the Qlipphoth or "Abyss" (the APSU or watery deeps - ie lakes, wells, vulvas etc).
Closely associated with the relationship between Lilith and Samael, as outlined above, are the Raven and the Dove as birds of divination. In this context it becomes clear that these qabalistic, symbolic animals are meant to represent the Valkyries, the Morganas and Magdalenes - the Ishtar priestesses who are the Maidens of the Ring and the Grail.
The Dove, specifically the Turtle Dove or Barbary Dove is a soft brown colour and has a ring around its neck that lies open at the throat. This dove, specifically sacred to Venus, is a symbol of love and devotion. and is the bird referred to in the name Mary Magdalene. Magdal or Migdal meaning a dove.
The ring around its neck is a torque, which, in Gaelic lore symbolizes, as do all rings, Kingship and therefore wisdom and seership - the derkesthai or Dragon Nature. That Mary is named Magdalene, "of the place of the doves" which are sacred to Venus and thus Ishtar and mistakenly Hathor, means that she, Mary, was a priestess of this Goddess of ’Love’.
The link between the raven, known as the Phoenix, the dove and Samael is alchemical. At one level the raven and the dove are female and interchangeable, the dove or doves (in Magdal: the place of doves or temple of the priestesses of Ishtar/Hathor/Venus) being the priestess or priestesses of Ishtar, the other - the raven - being the priestess of Morrighan.
The qabalah specifically says that the raven and the dove are the same bird and in the Northern hemisphere the brown singing ravens of the Druids are obviously the Turtle doves or priestesses, brown morrighans, equivalent to swan maidens.
Samael, in his congress with them, obtaining the "wisdom of the qlipphoth" or the abyss - ie the waters of the deep. The Barbary dove or Migdal links the ring cycle to Mary Magdalene and thence Jesus. Both then are linked again to Hathor, the raven Goddesses of the Druids, to An and the Phoenix of the Scythians and thence the Ring and the Dragon Orobourous, called Janus by the Phoenicians and Jormungar by the Danes. Like Enki and Chem, Siva is the woad painted Lord of the Goats.
Jormungar - ’The Earth Spanner’ : ’The encircler’ or Vala of the Vedas, lives in the watery deeps and once upon a time long, long ago, Thor and the giant (Titan) Hymir went fishing for him. As bait they used an Ox-head which, as we have seen symbolizes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, womb and vagina of the virgin goddess.
Here again is a link between water, Samael the Dragon and virgins. The Brown raven or choral priestess of the Druidic cult is the turtle dove and the swan maiden because both animals are used in alchemy and Tantra to symbolize the brain, the pineal gland and the Ajna Chakra.
In Vala we have the original root of the words Valhalla and Valkyrie. It is now known, as we had suggested, that the Valhallas were forest halls. There were in fact built on mounds and displayed giant Dragon heads at each end. These were the dwellings of the Vala Aes, the Dragon Overlords of the forest and beneath them, lying in the Creachaire tomb- raths, were the remains of their ancestors, the Gods of Heaven.
The Valhallas were the dwelling places of the Gods of Heaven and Earth, the serpent queens and kings. The Great Hall on the summit of the mound of the Otherworld was identical to the temple at the peak of the ziggurat. These Halls were where the Valkyries, the singers of the Gods assembled. In this capacity these were sometimes called the brown ravens, meaning that they were still the Morrighans, but assumed the magical, Grail role of brown Turtle Doves, the lovers of the Phoenix or Dragon God. Hence the Valhalla was also a variant of the Judaic Magdala or House of Doves.
The swan-serpent caduceus and the descended dove originate here and in placing the paten into the Grail both symbolize this love of the Turtle and the Phoenix. The serpillion is a swan or serpent necked dove depicted in medieval architecture and the link here is clear. In the association of Lilith with the abyss of the qlipphoth and the raven and dove who symbolize Ishtar, we have another link between Diana and Persephone and a clarification of the nature of Hades.
As the watery abyss, it is identified with the Gaelic Otherworld reached by water. The masculine nature of the raven is echoed in Machen’s alchemical riddle where a serpent eating a serpent becomes a dragon (a serpent who eats its tail makes a circle and completes itself: it transcends) and a dragon eating a dragon (a transcended one drinking from another transcended one, Samael drinking Lilith) becomes a phoenix - a Raven King, Swan Knight/Prince, Dragon Queen, Rephaim etc.
The Phoenix in its final transcendent glory becomes a flaming, leaping star, an An, or Shining One. "The Nahash is taught by the Raven or the Dove" means that The Dragon Kings drink from Grail Princesses of the Abyss or Qlipphoth, the Tree of Life of the Left Hand Path - Kaula Vama Marg! The pool at the foot of Yggdrasil.
In the ’Phoenix and the Turtle’ by ""William Shakespeare"" (I don’t think!) there are mentioned the Turtle Dove, the Phoenix, the Raven, the Swan and the Screech Owl (Lilith). It is said that out of the Phoenix myth, ""Shakespeare"" (I don’t think!) created a myth of his own. Not so. What he did was to expand the myth and fill it with its proper alchemical symbolism and demonstrate the purpose of the original story, that being divine union.
The Phoenix of myth, the only bird of its kind (symbolizing the Oneness of the All perceived by those who become united with The All and thus are alone) travels from its eastern paradise and makes a ’nest’ of ’spices’ (see Song of Songs) in an Arabian Palm Tree (A Sufic symbol and emblem of the Tamaris Princesses, read Lily and Rose again, back a few pages).
Having burnt up in its own fire (been consumed in the energy generated by enthea) it takes the ashes to the temple of the Sun at Heliopolis and lays them on the Altar. Other birds (ranks of druidism aforementioned) and men gather to rejoice and in chorus (Cor) they accompany the singing Phoenix as it soars to heaven and returns to its lonely paradise eg Samadhi, Bodhisatva, Heaven, Transcendence, Enlightenment, Divine Union, Scythia!
Summary: The Transcended Dragon King needs to drink from a Dragon Princess, a fairy lover. He travels to Arabia, meets his Tamaris and drinks from her ’Nest of spices’ and she bestows stillness and ecstasy upon him.
He is consumed by fire (the spirit or combined energy), is reborn and takes his ashes, his mortal body, and lays on the altar of the Sun, symbolized by the Dragon, Lion, Hawk and Bull in Persian Mithraism (Mithras the mediator or Balance) to symbolize his achievement of the balance or nil point and subsequent oneness with the Cosmos. Everyone is seriously chuffed that he has managed to regenerate and won’t be acting like a complete pillock and ruining everything now he has refreshed his sovereignty with a living goddess.
He can now go back to Scythia/Heaven and carry on reigning and being the wisdom and fertility of the land, end of story. Shakespeare’s version describes beautifully the emotions of enthea and anyone who has experienced this divine union with another of the blood will not fail to be deeply moved, both with joy and sadness.
Again this is another Solomonic, vampire rite and proof yet again that vampirism is born of a love so deep that it tears the soul from the body, as this tale suggests. It also implies that the rite has to be repeated and that feeding must be recurrent.
The OTO call the ’Rite of the Phoenix’ the ’Mass of the Vampire’ for good reason. The Phoenix, along with the other birds in Shakespeare’s poem are called Bennu Birds and are identified with each other by Grant (’Magical Revival’) and this is because all classes of druid are vampires and need to feed in order to remain transcendent.
The Bennu Bird or Bird of Return symbolizes a being that regenerates or must regenerate itself at regular intervals and the vampire itself bears an appellation that is named after this process. In folklore though the vampire, as ’one who returns’ is mistaken for ’one who returns from the grave’ instead of ’one who MUST return to feed and regenerate’.
The Phoenix is symbolized in Transylvania by the double-headed Raven, brother of Lilith. This bird was adopted by the Hittites and came to symbolize the holy roman empire in the corrupted form of an eagle. This Double Headed Raven, the Phoenix, is the penultimate symbol of the dragon people. In the last process of its regeneration, the Phoenix becomes The Star, the An of the Anunnagi, the Elves or Shining Ones: the ultimate symbol of the Dragon Race.
The Serpent N’H’SH In translating the word N’H’SH, firstly we will take the Hebrew consonants back, via Phoenician, to their Sumerian roots and remember also that, in Sumerian, syllable groups could be reversed and yet still render the same meaning in an overall phrase. So, the N is Nun, the H is Heth (as opposed to He) and the SH is Shin (as opposed to either Sade or Samekh).
We check these through the Phoenician to ensure a continuity of shape in the correct pictograms as we venture back into the Sumerian and discover the following: Nun = Nag, Heth = H.A. and Shin = Salmunuz. Therefore from the Hebrew Nahash, we derive the original Sumerian Naghasalmunuz, Nagha Salmunuz or NAG.HA.SAL.MUNUZ., which translates as Drink (NAG) - Fish (HA) - Vulva (SALMUNUZ).
If this sounds a bit odd, the author explains that a fish is "of water" and so in Sumerian the equivalent to our letter ’A’ means water whilst the ’H’ is the article which stands for of. So the Hebrew N’H’SH - the Serpent - translates into the Sumerian "One (a dragon) who - Drinks of (the) Water (of the) Vulva".
One notices that in this phrase - Nagha Salmunuz - two things stand out. Firstly we have the Aryan word Naga spelt Nagha which would be pronounced with the gh sounding like a nasally, softly gargled ch (as in the Scottish word loch) identical to the Spanish x or g. According to the OED, ’H’ which in Sumerian was H.A. evolved into the Greek h - (h)eta which was originally pronounced kh, which was pronounced as defined above, as an Iberian (Aryo-Scythian Celtic) x or ch.
In this way we can also justifiably spell Naga as Naxa and then we begin to understand the profound relationship between the Naga guardians of the Aryan pantheons and the Nixes or Nixas of western Europe who were, likewise, the female guardians of watery treasures, and like the Nagas or Naxas, these meremaids or Swan Maidens were Devas or Shining Ones (Anunnagi).
The second thing we notice is that the Sumerian word for a vulva is Salmunuz and immediately the poetic connection between the ’Sacred Vulva’ (the well of Nechtan [Nixtan] - the pure one, the Nix or Nothing) and the Salmon (Salmunuz) of Wisdom that swims in the well should immediately spring to mind - as should the Ichthys - as being the vulva of the Virgin Mary Magdalene. Praise the Lord for the Single Poetic Theme!
In remembering that Sumerian can be reversed, we can look at the Hebrew N’H’SH again and see that if it is reversed, as was the custom in Hebrew Qabalah when rabbis were tinkering around with language looking for hidden meanings, it becomes SH’H’N which is pronounced She’an, ’of the Powers’. Furthermore the numerical or gematric value of N’H’SH in Qabalah is 9 which is the number of Yesod, the sephirah of the Moon, whose Phoenician God was the Sumerian SIN or SHIN - She’en.
The symbols associated with SIN included the Axe, the Labrys which is a device which, as we know, depicts the Vulva. The Axe symbol, prevalent in Mittani and Minoan Cretan culture became the spinning Hammer of Thor (the swastika) who as Zeus, was the wielder of the lightning bolt which, in northern Europe, was symbolized by the Norse ’Sig’ Rune. Sig - the lightning bolt of inspiration (cf. Mead of Inspiration) - is the Greek Sigma which is the Hebrew Shin, last consonant of N’H’SH, and SIN - Sumerian god of the Moon.
Sig is the serpentine lightning bolt that courses down the Qabalistic Tree of Life. In one sense it represents Enki-Samael entwined around Lilith. The upturned crescent moon is also said to be associated with Samael (Sumaire-El) and, in an ancient Sumerian picture reproduced by Langdon, the moon as a dish is depicted next to the Star of Anu, below which is the serpent N’H’SH entwined around the tree, symbolizing Lilith.
Finally we must consider Tiamat. Her name - TI.A.MAT - means life-water-maiden. This translates as "maiden of the waters of life" and it is then clear that her name indicates she was both the first known matriarch and virgin priestess - the "feeding mother" - of the vampire dragon queens and kings. The mother of the Elven dynasty, she was the generatrix of a vampire lineage of goddess-queens and god-kings spanning seven thousand years.
She was a Nagha or Nixa and it is from her that Lilith, and all the ensuing Grail Maidens, including Sheba and Morgana of the Apple Trees, Tamaris, Mary Magdalene, the Princesses of Avallon, Melusine, Niniane and Ygraine owe their identifications as "Trees of Life". Consequently we can say that Tiamat, the first Tamaris - the Maiden who gives the Waters of Life - was also the Tir Mat or Tir Mata, the first "Tree Mother" of the Lords and Ladies of the Forest, the Druids and Druidesses - the People of the Trees (of Life).
Of the younger gods of the Aryans, the Adityas, two - Tara and Bhaga - stand out prominently. As we have seen Ulick Beck and several other scholars have traced the origin of the Scythian-Irish Tuadha d’Anu to the same region as the Aryans, and have gone as far as saying that they were one and the same.
Interestingly we find that the goddess Tara - wife of Rudra, Indra’s charioteer, appears in Eire as Tara, the Hill or Rath of ghosts in County Meath, Eire. Tara was the sacred centre of the united Irish kingdom and was the seat of the Danaan Kings of Tara during the Iron Age.
Some scholars attribute the name of Tara in Eire to some complicated sounding god name which I find implausible in the light of the fact that a Goddess Tara already existed in the Scythian-Aryan pantheon. Whether Asura or Aditya, Danaan or Milesian, all of the ancient Goddess Queens were the source of sovereignty associated with sacred mounds and it seems therefore entirely appropriate to name a Sidhe rath, a portal to the otherworld and thus the source of sovereignty, after a goddess who would herself have represented sovereignty.
In the case of Bhaga, or Vaga as his name would have been pronounced in Gaelic, scholars think that he became the Slavic god Bogh, a word which came to mean "god" in Thrace, where the Danaan Fir Bolg were once exiled, prior to their return to Ireland. In Fir Bolg we either have the title "men of God", meaning druids, or we have, as is commonly thought, "men of the bags" which means "men of God" anyway, because the "bag", specifically the "Crane Skin Bag", was an accessory of the Godthi’s and the Druid’s: the "men of the gods".
Myth or reality? Considering the foregoing, it is interesting to note that in Tolkien’s ’Silmarillion’ - the background mythology that supports his ’Lord of the Rings’ - we find a vocabulary and etymology that includes the following words - Ainur, Ainu, Vala, Maiar, Eldar, Ea.
Tolkien’s word Ainur means the "Holy Ones" of which the singular is Ainu. There are two orders of these gods in his mythology - the Valar and the Maiar. The plural Ainur and the singular Ainu are clearly derived from the Sumerian father of the gods - Anu and the Anunnaki, whilst Valar appears in the Aryan pantheon as Vala "The encircler", reminiscent of the Orobourus, the alchemical Dragon Ring that Tolkien wrote so much about. We will also remember the Val-Kyrie at this juncture.
The word Maia is spelt Maja in Spanish and denotes a female line of nobility and royalty. The ’i’ was originally ’j’ and came, along with the word majesty, from the Latin majes or majus, a variant of which is magi or magus, from the Greek magos - magos, a bloodline member of a caste or genetic strain comprising of individuals heritably steeped in magic, (OED), in other words the Arya - or Scythian Derkesthai - The Dragon Goddess Queens and God Kings.
At this point we return to the concept of the derkesthai and the bloodline of the dragon god-kings - the Asuras and the Anunnaki. In the ’Silmarillion’ Maia becomes Maiar and it accords with the ancient concept of deific royalty - Maia - which, related to Mana is the ’spirit of the gods carried in the blood’, the attribute of a goddess-queen or god-king of the Dragon who are in themselves collectively an ’order of the gods’ - the ’elves’ - the shining ones - or ’gods incarnate’- the Devas and Avatars.
The ’spirits of the gods - the ancestors - carried in the blood’ we will remember are the spirits summoned from the ’deeps’, the subconscious, by the witch, (Vampire or Druid) who gains her or his name - wicce or wicca - from the ability to yield or bend to, or rather to draw to the surface of consciousness, these spiritual intelligences and their wisdom from her or his ancestral, and thus genetic, inheritance. In other words their waking consciousness is pacified or "yields", to allow the older spirit, or racial memory, to give voice.
Avatar is a word Tolkien includes in his Silmarillion as Aratar the eight most powerful of his Valar or order of old gods which, it seems obvious, were intended to mimic the Egyptian gods of the Ogdoad, the eight Anunnaki who tended the Holy Mountain after the Black Sea flood.
Another of Tolkien’s words similar to Avatar - Avathar - to him means "The Shadows" which he uses as a name for a land near his ’Bay of Eldemar’. Comparably, in our world, an Avatar is a ’god made flesh’ - a Dragon King or Queen who often occupied tombs and would have been thought of as a "shadow", a spirit of the otherworld, the realm of the Shining Ones.
So in the Vala and Maiar we have two orders of gods taken from the Dragon tradition itself whilst, according to the legends of Tolkien’s elves, the word Eldar became used as a name for the three elven kindreds, one of which Tolkien named the Vanyar, who appear to be the Vanir Gods of the Danes, cousins of the Tuadha d’Anu. Tolkien’s largest variety of wicked Orcs he named the Uruks and Uruk a City State of the Anunnaki. The Orcs he said were once fair elves who had been imprisoned and tortured in the Land of Mordor.
’Eldar’, explains Tolkien, means ’People of the Stars’, echoing a traditional Gaelic epithet for the Tuadha d’Anu and also one of the original meanings of the name Anunnaki - People of the Stars.
Of men, Tolkien concurs that they are the second, younger race which his elves called the Atani, (Adamae) a name, says Tolkien, that later became the Edain, obviously the children of Eden. Again we have a borrowing of Dragon Lore where the Elves, the Children of Anu, the Anukim or Repha’im of the Old Testament, appeared first, followed by our Adamae, or the Atani as Tolkien would have it.
Edain is obviously Eden, whilst he uses Eä as a name for the Earth which in Sumerian is the name for the dragon god of the ’Earth and Waters’ - Enki-Samael, the leader of the elder "Eldar" gods - the Aesir. Tolkien, in his epic works, with their plethora of borrowed names and borrowed linguistics and their elder and younger races, is obviously writing about the family, particularly when one peruses his vocabulary and discovers the name Avallónë, a haven and city of the Eldar - the Elves - situated on ’the lonely isle’ - Tol Eressea, which was drawn across the ocean and rooted finally in the Bay of Eldemar, adjacent to Avathar - the land of Shadows: our Avalon or Otherworld.
The various names by which our planet is known all stem from the word Eridu, which was the first city founded by Enki-Samael in Mesopotamia. As a variant of Eridu, in the Silmarillion, Tolkien has Eriador and his Elven word for Earth is Arda, which is also derived from Eridu. http://www.resistance2010.com/forum/topics/merovingian-rated-adept
Mensagens : 29 Data de inscrição : 2011-08-11
Subject: ANNUNAKI Thu 11 Aug 2011, 3:33 pm
Fish-man in a sea from a bas-relief in the palace of the Assyrian king Sargon II, ca. 721-705 BCE at Dur-Sharken, modern Khorsabad. (p. 131. fig. 107. "merman and mermaid." Jeremy Black and Anthony Green. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, An Illustrated Dictionary. London, British Museum, in association with the University of Texas Press. Austin. 1992. ISBn 0-292-70794-0. paperback)
Professor Walton (1989) noted that Professor Lambert (1962) identified Berossus' Oannes with Adapa: "W. G. Lambert has identified the name Adapa as an epithet belonging to Oannes (=ummanu), the first antediluvian sage." (p. 65. John H. Walton. Ancient Israelite Literature in its Cultural Context. A Survey of Parallels between Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan Publishing House. 1989. Second printing with corrections and additions 1990) Earlier scholars thought that Oannes the fish-man was the god Ea of Eridu: Smith (1876) noted that some scholars had suggested that Ea was Berosus' Oannes: "A companion deity with Anu is Hea, who is the god of the sea...he is lord of the sea or abyss; he iAdapa of the Southwind Myth as a Fish-man, Healer of Wind-borne Disease, and a Prototype of Genesis' Adam and Jesus ('the second Adam') Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld y de la Torre, M. A. Ed. 08 October 2006
Revisions through 24 May 2009
I understand that Adapa is one of several mythic prototypes of Genesis' Adam. My research suggests that Adapa appears in Mesopotamian artforms as a fish-man (mer-man). The men (below) appearing dressed in fish-robes or garments _I suspect_ are probably intended to represent Adapa in his role of apkallu or "Sage" who knows powerful spells, curses, incantations that can overpower wind-demons who spread disease. Thus the scenes of bed-ridden individuals attended by men in fish-garments are of priests emulating Adapa who was an Apkallu (The 'seven Apkallu' are also called paradu fish and are associated with Eridu).
Leick understands that Berossus' fish-man, Oannes, who imparted "wisdom and knowledge" to mankind (rather like Adam imparts knowledge of good and evil to mankind), is Sumerian U-an, Adapa's Sumerian name: "...Adapa, one of the Seven Sages...They often appear in magic texts and incantations as the abgal (Akkadian apkallu), fish-like creatures under the command of Enki/Ea. The masks worn by some priests represented on seals and a number of Assyrian reliefs are connected with the power of the Apkallu to ward off evil. They were personified as traditionally seven 'culture heroes', sent by Ea to teach mankind the arts of civilization. In the late Babylonian compositon known as the Erra epic. they are called 'the seven sages' of the Apsu, the pure paradu fish, who, just as their lord Ea, have been endowed with sublime wisdom. They were the councilors of the antediluvian kings, also seven in number, and responsible for the invention and the building of cities. The city is therefore the product of divine intelligence. For some reason the Apkallu also stand for hubris. A bilingual text from Nineveh records how each one managed to annoy an important god so that they were banished to the Apsu for ever. Just as in the other Eridu cosmologies referred to earlier, the creative potential and the wisdom of the Apsu and its creatures are seen as dangerous and subversive...A Babylonian priest of Marduk, who lived during the reign of the Seleucid king Antiochus I (third century B.C.E.), was the author of a volume called Babyloniaca. He wrote it in Greek, under the name Berossus...One of the fragments concerns the fish-like monsters that Ea sent after the flood to teach mankind. One of them is called Oannes, the Greek form of Adapa's Sumerian name U-an." (pp. 25-26. "Eridu Stories." Gwendolyn Leick. Mesopotamia, The Invention of the City. London. Penguin Books. 2001. paperback)
Professor George on Adapa being a fish-man (sent by Ea, Sumerian: Enki) of Eridu who rose from the sea to introduce civilization to mankind: "The civilization of mankind, according to Babylonian mythology, was the work of the gods...especially of the god Ea, who dispatched the Seven Sages to Eridu, and other early cities, and with them all the arts and crafts of city life. These were the beings who, according to the epic's prologue, founded Uruk with its wall: 'Did the Seven Sages not lay its foundations?' Foremost among these Sages was the fish-man Oannes-Adapa, who rose from the sea." (p. xli. "Introduction." Andrew George. The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Babylonian Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. London. Penguin Books. 1999, 2003)
Dalley on Adapa being Uan or Oannes the fish-man: "Adapa -son of Ea, priest in Eridu. Also known as Uan (Oannes), the first of the Seven Sages, who brought the arts and skills of civilization to mankind."
(p. 317. "Glossary of Deities...Adapa." Stephanie Dalley. Myths From Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, s the lord of generation and of all human beings, he bears the titles lord of wisdom...It has been supposed that... he was the Oannes of Berosus..." (p. 57. George Smith. The Chaldean Account of Genesis. London. 1876. Reprinted 1977, 1994 by Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, California)
Professor Sayce (1887), following earlier scholars, suggested Oannes and Ea were the same person: "...it is certain that Oannes and Ea are one and the same...Ea was, moreover, like Oannes, represented as partly man and partly fish. Sometimes the fish's skin is thrown over the man's back, the head of the fish appearing behind that of the man; sometimes the body of the man is made to terminate in the tail of a fish. A gem in the British Museum, on which the deity is depicted in the latter fashion, bears the inscription stating that the figure is that of "the god of pure life." Now "the god of pure life," as we are expressly informed by a rubical gloss to a hymn in honour of the demiurge Ea, was one of the names of Ea.
(p.133. Archibald H. Sayce. The Hibbert Lectures, 1887. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians. London. Wiliams & Norgate. 1897) Langdon (1931) apparently influenced by Sayce (?) understood that Oannes the fish-man was Ea (Enki) and he describes seven devils (wind demons?) and fish-garbed priests healing a sick man (cf. below, figure 44 on p. 85): "Priests often clothed themselves in a garment in the form of a fish, when officiating in rituals of purification, symbolic of the power of the Water deity Enki of Eridu, god of lustration. In the third register of figure 44 a man possessed of one of the seven devils, who appear in the the second register, lies on a bed, a priest, robed to represent the Fish-god Enki, stands at his head, another at his feet...Enki of Eridu...Ea...(Oannes) in Berossus..." (pp. 84, 103. Stephen Herbert Langdon. The Mythology of All Races, Semitic. Volume 5. Boston. Archaeology Institute of America. Marshall Jones Company. 1931)
Langdon (1931) noted that Adapa's failure to consume the bread and water of life offered him in Anu's heavenly abode in the Adapa and the Southwind myth resulted in makind being cursed with diseases and eventual death. The myths ends with a priest making an incantation over a sick person, invoking Adapa as responsible for the afflicted's disease. Adapa's ability to curse the South wind demon who overturned his fishing boat may (?) have made him a "healer" or physician of sorts because the South wind demon in _other myths_ had the power to bring disease and death to man. In seeking out Adapa's practioners dressed in fish garments, the Mesopotamians may have (?) seen Adapa "the fisherman/fishman" as not only responsible for man's disease and affliction (because he failed to eat the bread and water of life), but he also having the ability to overpower with curses wind-demons (like the South wind) who brought disease. Thompson (1903) on the South Wind being an evil demonic wind (emphasis mine in capitals): "Raging storms, evil gods are they RUTHLESS DEMONS, who in heaven's vault were created, are they, WORKERS OF EVIL are they, They lift up the head to evil, every day to evil Destruction to work. Of these seven the first is the SOUTH WIND... The second is a dragon, whose mouth is opened... That none can measure. The third is a grim leopard, which carries off the young ... The fourth is a terrible Shibbu ... The fifth is a furious Wolf, who knoweth not to flee, The sixth is a rampant ... which marches against god and king. The seventh is a storm, an evil wind, which takes vengeance, Seven are they, messengers to King Anu are they, From city to city darkness work they, A hurricane, which mightily hunts in the heavens, are they Thick clouds, that bring darkness in heaven, are they, GUSTS OF WIND rising, which cast gloom over the bright day, ARE THEY, With the Imkhullu [2] the evil wind, forcing their way, are they, The overflowing of Adad [3] mighty destroyers, are they, At the right of Adad stalking, are they, In the height of heaven, like lightning flashing, are they, To wreak destruction forward go they , In the broad heaven, the home of Anu, the King, evilly do they arise, and none to oppose..." (R.C. Thompson. The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia. Vol. 1. London. 1903) Below, a drawing from a bronze figurine of the "South-west wind Demon." Perhaps this the Southwind who's wing was broken via a curse by Adapa? (cf. p. 253. Georges Contenau. Everyday Life In Babylon And Assyria. New York. St. Martin's Press. 1954)
At the peak of their presence on Earth the Anunnaki numbered 600 hundred. (12)
Adad: "The Beloved" (12) Adad was depicted riding a bull and holding a forked lightning. (49) See Ishkur
Ahura Mazda: (Presided over the angelic hierarchies in Iranian tradition) See also Jupiter
*Note: There is much more, however, for it is not just the Iranian and Jewish races that cite Kurdistan as the cradle of civilisation. The mythologies of both the Sumerians, who ruled the various Mesopotamian city-states from around 3000 BC onwards, and their eventual conquerors, the Akkadians, placed the homeland of the gods in this exact same region.
The Akkadians originated as a Semitic, or proto-Hebrew, race of uncertain origin, and in their religious literature this heavenly abode is referred to as Kharsag Khurra, the heavenly mountain. Here the gods, also known as the Anannage, lived in a paradisical realm with gardens, orchards, temples and irrigated fields that not only resemble the Seven Heavens described in the Book of Enoch, but is actually referred to on more than one occasion as edin, the Akkadian for `steppe' or `plateau'.
Even further linking Kharsag with the Jewish domain of angels is the knowledge that the Anannage, like the Enochian Watchers, were governed by a council of seven. These undoubtedly equate with the seven archangels of post-exilic Judaism as well as the six so-called Amesha Spentas, or `bounteous spirits', who with the supreme god Ahura Mazda, preside over the angelic hierarchies in Iranian tradition. (29)
Alalgar: (Anunnaki; second commander of Eridu; ruled for 36,000 years. See below photo) (1)
Alalu: The deposed king of Nibiru who escaped to Earth and discovered gold; died on Mars; his image was carved on a rock that was his tomb. (1) Uranus/Caelus (94)
Alexander the Great: (demi-god) In the spring of 331 Alexander made a pilgrimage to the great temple and oracle of Amon-Ra, Egyptian god of the sun. The earlier Egyptian pharaohs were believed to be sons of Amon-Ra; and Alexander, the new ruler of Egypt, wanted the god to acknowledge him as his son. (4) (47)
Amun/Amen: ("The Hidden One") (47) Egyptian name for the exiled god Ra; (1) see Marduk
Amarutu: See Utu?
Apollo: Some say Utu. I believe Apollo was Satu/Set. Angra Mainyu: (Zoroastrian) The Serpent who led Eve Astray.
See below note
*Note: The Book of Genesis speaks of God establishing a garden `eastwards, in Eden'. Here Adam and Eve became humanity's first parents before their eventual fall from grace through the beguiling of the subtle Serpent of Temptation. Serpents were not only a primary synonym for the Watchers and Nephilim, but the Book of Enoch even states which `Serpent', or Watcher, led our first parents into temptation.
Interestingly enough, the Bundahishn, a holy text of the Zoroastrian faith, cites Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit and father of the daevas, as assuming this same role, and like the Watchers he too is described as a serpent with `legs'. (29) (Could this be another name for Ea/Enki?)
Anu/An: (Anunnaki, Nibiru's ruler when the Anunnaki came to Earth, also the planet called Uranus. (1) Varuna, (44) Also the biblical On and Heliopolis (Greek) (47) Saturn/Chronus/Kronos (77) Odin (80)
Anunitu: (Endearment name for the goddess Inanna; see Inanna) (1)
Antu: Sister-spouse of Enlil. Rhea, (Greek)
Anzu: (Anunnaki, spacecraft pilot; first commander of the way station on Mars. (1) Put to death by the Anunnaki death ray for stealing the Tablets of Destiny and for trying to take control of the Earth and Mars. Buried next to Alalu in a tomb on Mars (6)
Aphrodite: (Greek name for Inanna) See Inanna
Artemis: See Nebat
Asar: (demi-god, son of Marduk and human Sarpanit; spouse to his sister Asta/Isis) Osiris (Egyptian) (1) Serapis (Greek) (4) Murdered by his brother Seth/Set. Also been referred to as Baal. (Hittite) (51) Asher (65) Mithras (Persian); Atys (Phrygia); Ammon (Libya); Adonis (Phoenician Byblos) (87), (89) Some say Bacchus. (88) Prince Coh, (Myan); Dionysos (89)
*Note: Therefore Osiris' One or I represented not simply the phallus, but both the tongue and spinal column, and the eight thus represented Isis' womb and vagina. Under the principle that a king isn't a king without a queen, Isis and Osiris are shown together as the figure 18, or 666, the mark of the beast, or the Knossos Axe Head: 8, where the I is horizontal. (70)
Asherah: (Syrian) See Inanna
Asherat: ("of-the-sea") (3) See Inanna
Ashtoreth: (Canaanite) (4) See Inanna
Ashtaroth: (Old Testament in the plural form for Inanna) (4) See Inanna
Ashur: ?
Asta/Ast: (Anunnaki, wife of Asar/Osiris) Known as Isis (Egyptian) (1) Athena? (51) Also been referred to as Anat, (Hittite) (51) Semiramis (60) Ygraine (72) Some say Ceres. (88) Pessinuntica, "Mother of the Gods" (primogenial Phrygians); Crecopian Minerva (Attic Aborigines); Paphian Venus, (floating Cyprians); Diana Dictynna, (arrow bearing Cretans); Stygian Proserpine, (three-tongued Sicilians); Ceres, (Eleusinians); Juno, Bellona, Hectate, Rhamnusia, Queen Moo, (Myans) (89) Sophia (91)
*Note: Anat was a witch goddess and regeneratrix who shape shifted into the form of the Morrigan or Morgana, a black predatory bird. (72)
*This is the Isis of Sais, famous for the inscription concerning her which appeared on the front of her temple in that city: "I, Isis, am all that has been, that is or shall be; no mortal Man hath ever me unveiled." (89)
Astarte: (3) ? See Inanna
Atlas: Son of Poseidon/EA. One of the ten Kings of Atlantis. Twin brother to Hercules. (103) Vasuki (or Shesha, the King of the Nagas), the serpent that serves as the churning rope, represents Atlas in his serpentine avatar. Also identified with Hesperus "the Evening Star" (104) In ancient times the evening star was called Hesperus and the morning star Phosphorus or Lucifer. (4) Being a son of Lucifer this would make sense. Agastya (Hindu) (104) Athena: See Asta
*Note: She is known as a warrior Goddess as well as the Goddess of Wisdom; her symbol being the Serpent as displayed on her personal shield. She made the transition from snake-headed Medusa with roots in Africa to respected icon of Athens. (106)
Aya: (Anunnaki, Spouse of Utu) (1) Also Maia? (Greek) the daughter of the Titan Atlas. (4) Sita, Artemis? (Greek) not sure this is correct (95) Anath (see below notes)
*Note: El, a sky god, lost importance or was displaced by Baal, a weather god symbolized by a bull and lightning bolt. The life and death of Baal were identified with prosperity and drought. Important goddesses included Anath, Baal's wife and sister. She was fierce and violent, wearing a necklace of severed human heads. Like Baal, she lived on a mountaintop. (4)
'As a patroness of war (the goddess) Anath appears in a fragment of the Baal Epic in an incredibly bloody orgy of destruction. For some unknown reason she fiendishly butchers mankind, young and old, in a most horrible and wholesale fashion, wading delightedly in human gore up to her knees - yea, up to her throat, all the while exulting sadistically... "Like gods, like priest; like priest like people" expresses a law that operates unfailingly.' (101)
Baal: See Utu. Ba'al: also means "Lord" by the Canaanites and Phoenicians. It appears that several of the AN.UNNAK.KI may have been called Ba'al.
Baalat: (3) See Inanna
Bacchus: See Hermes
Bau: (Anunnaki, Spouse of Ninurta, a healer) (1)
Bel: See Enlil
Bilkan: (Babylonian) Also known as Tubal-cain. Worshipped by the Babylonians as the god of metal-working, which name was later further corrupted to Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.' Also Thor (101)
Brahma: (Hindu) Many scholars believe the ancient gods were but personifications of the Sun and planets. Brahma is considered by many to be the personification of the Sun as well as Mithras, (Persians); Athom, Amun, Phtha and Osiris, (Egyptian); Bel, (Chaldeans); Adonai, (Phoenicians); Adonis and Apollo, (Greeks) Yod, (Hebrew); Hercules, Samson, Bacchus, Dionysos, Sabazius, Jason, Ulysses, Zeus, SOL-OM-ON in three different languages (Solomon, used by Masons) (92)
Buthos: Supposed creator of Ialdabaoth (Yahweh). Albert Pike (Luciferian Freemason) teaches that Jesus was from an inferior line of beings, created by Ialdabaoth, who had himself been created by the god Buthos, sexually uniting with Wisdom. [Morals and Dogma, p. 653, teachings of the 26th Degree of Masonry]
Damkina: (Anunnaki, Spouse of Enki, renamed Ninki; daughter of Alalu. See Ninki. (1)
Demeter: (Greek) See Erishkigal
Dudu: Endearment name for the god Adad; see Adad
Dumuzi: ("Son Who Is Life") (12) (Anunnaki, ruled for 36,000 years. See below photo. Enki and Damkina's youngest son. Younger brother to Marduk. In charge of sheepherding in his Egyptian domain) (1) Dumuzi was the love of Inanna's life.
Dutter: Concubine of Enki, Dumuzi's mother (1)
E-A: "Whose Home is Water," Also known as Enki. See Enki
* Note: In the Babylonian/Akkadian tradition EA was depicted as a god who was part-man, part-fish. Instead of the title "Lord of the Flood", he was known to the Babylonians/Akkadians as "God of the Abyss." The Chaldeans also knew him as EA, and they too depicted him on their monuments as half-man, half-fish. (11)
*The oldest human culture, that of Sumer, claimed that civilization, complete with agriculture, warfare, metallurgy, science, medicine, writing, and all the rest, came out of the seas. The Sumerians, who possessed knowledge which is in itself an anomaly, such as the existence and orbits of all the "spherical" planets around the sun (yes, all the planets, including Pluto and another, gigantic maverick world that modern science has yet to discover), believed that the arts and sciences had been taught to them by the mysterious god EA, later called Enki, a giant who had scales like a fish or reptile and who dwelt in a traveling ship that could move beneath the sea as well as fly to the various lands--and heavenly abodes--of the Annunaki, or gods. (39)
*One ancient prayer, as translated by R. C. Thompson, in his work THE DEVILS AND EVIL SPIRITS OF BABYLONIA, went thusly:
"'Seven are they, seven are they. In the Ocean Deep, seven are they. They are reared in the home of the Ocean Deep. Neither male nor female are they. They are as the roaming wild beast. No wife have they, no son do they beget. They know neither mercy nor pity. They harken not unto prayers and supplications. They are as the horses reared on the hills. The Evil Ones of EA, throne-bearers of the gods are they. They stand in the highway to befoul the path. Evil are they, evil are they. By Heaven be ye exorcised!'" (39) "The Call of Cthulhu:" by H.P. Lovecraft
"He talked of his dreams in a strangely poetic fashion; making me see with terrible vividness the damp Cyclopean city of slimy green stone--whose geometry, he said, was all wrong--"
Coincidentally or not, this is an exact description of the ruins at Yonaguni. What did Lovecraft actually know, or thought that he knew? For "Cthulhu" seems to correspond to the Sumerian/Akkadian "Kutulu," a demon of the sea, and in Lovecraft's fiction, this being was summoned with chants containing cries of "Ia! Ia!" which is of course identical to the name of EA, "Lord of Waters." Is Cthulhu/Kutulu one of the regents, under "EA," of one of the "seven seas?" (40)
El: See Enlil
El Elyon: (God most high) (3) ?
El Olam: (God the everlasting one) (3) ?
El Ro'i: (God of vision) (3) ? Genesis 22:14 Abraham named the site Yahweh-yireh; hence people now say, "On the mountain the LORD will see." (Liguori Faithware Bible)
El Shaddai: (The use of "God Almighty" is a traditional translation of Shaddai, thought to have meant "Omnipotent", but arguably it could be linked to the Akkadian root word Shadu, meaning literally "mountains". And El Shaddai is only one of the versions of God described in Genesis. El Shaddai literally translated means, "God the one of the mountains") (3) or ("God of the Two Peaks") (56) See Ishkur
Elil: See Enlil
Eumelus: (Hellenic language of the country of Gadeirus)
Heracles/Herakles/Hercules. (104) See Hercules
Enbilulu: (Anunnaki, A lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party) (1
Enki: ("Lord Earth"); firstborn son of Anu from Nibiru by a concubine (5); father of Marduk (1) half brother to Enlil; leader of the first group of Anunnaki to arrive on Earth; the fashioner of Mankind and its savior from the Deluge; given the epithets Nudimmud/Nidimmud ("the Fashioner"), Ptah ("the Developer" in Egypt), also IA Sumerian pre-Diluvial flood king which means Lord of the Flood or Lord of the Deep Waters. (11) Poseidon (39) or Potei-Dan (43), Neptune, (1) (39) Oannes, (Babylonian) (43) Samael, (Akkadian); Lucifer (Roman); Satan (Catholic) (61) Raphael, (Raphael was the prince who appeared to Adam in Eden according to Milton) (62) Ahura-Mazda (Aryan pantheon) and Zoroaster (Iranian) (64) Bel-Nimiki (The Lord of Mining") (75) Tvashtri "The Fashioner" (Aryan) (76) Khem, Pan, and Khem-Pan/Pan-Khem, also Puck; Ham/Khem/Chem-Zoroaster and Ormuzd (77) Mithras (79) Frey (80) Dagon (84) Shiva, (Hindu God), Itzamna (95) Iapetus (4) Typhon (103) Ialdabaoth *Known also as Samael, Enki's wife was known as Lilith. Their daughter was known as Kali (Kalimaath or Kali Marg (64); also Kali-Azura and the Blue Kali (65)
* It was Enki, according to Sitchin, who played the role of the "Nacash" in the Garden of Eden. Nacash which means serpent which also means "He who knows/possesses secrets." (13)
* ["The Sumerians believed that there was a time when all mankind spoke one and the same language, and that it was Enki, the Sumerian god of wisdom, who confounded their speech"—so concluded S. N. Kramer after publishing his translation of a Sumerian epic fragment. See S. N. Kramer,
“The ‘Bable of Tongues’ : A Sumerian Version,” The Journal of the American Oriental Society 88, pp. 108-111. The text of the tablet is translated by Kramer as follows: The whole universe, the people in unison To Enlil in one tongue_ _ _ Enki _ _ _ the leader of the gods, Endowed with wisdom _ _ _ Changed the speech in their mouths (brought) contention into it, Into the speech of man that (until then) had been one.
Enkidu: (Artificially created companion of Gilgamesh) (1) See: The Epic of Gilgamesh; Galatur or Gala, sexless and robotic "artificial" beings who were used by the rulers of the underworld for missions of kidnapping human beings from the surface world, or for other errands. (Mesopotamian) also Ushabtiu, (Egyptian) (41)
*Note: Other Sumerian accounts leave little doubt that the KUR, or KI-GAL (the "Great Below") was a place of immense size and great terror. This realm was ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal and her consort Nergal, a warlike god who had entered her queendom with plans of conquest, only to be seduced by the enemy, who became his wife. The KI-GAL was said to be filled with a wide range of beings, including the spirits and undead, reanimated bodies of human beings, and also savage guardians called "scorpion men." Also present in the underworld were the UTUKKU, "eagle-headed" reptilian humanoids, which are probably the original djinn and ifrits of the ancient middle east. The latter beings are usually depicted with wings, representing their ability to fly when dispatched on the errands of the rulers of the underworld. Another strange race is the PAZUZU, a canine-faced, humanoid monstrosity with reptilian scales and tail. (41)
Enkimdu: (Anunnaki, A lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party) (1)
Enlil: (Anunnaki, Son of Anu and Antu from Nibiru and thus the foremost Son entitled to the succession to Nibiru's throne ahead of the firstborn E-A (by a concubine); military commander and administrator, sent to Earth to organize wide-scale gold-obtaining operations; father of Ninurta by his half sister Ninmah, and of Nannar and Ishkur by his spouse Ninlil; opposed the fashioning of the Earthlings, sought mankind's demise by the Deluge; authorized the use of nuclear weapons against Marduk) (1) also Father Elil. (2) Another name given was Bel (16) Also El. (3) Saturn (34) Mushdamma (38) Jupiter Belus (48) Bull El, (Ugaric Texts) (57) Dushara ("Lord of the Mountains") (58) Dyas/Dyaus Pater - the Jewish Jehovah, (whose ancient symbol was ironically, the Swastika) (63) (76) also Jupiter/Thor (67) others say it was UTU who was the Jupiter/Thor, mainly Zach Sitchin. Also Zeus. (71) again Sitchin says Zeus was Utu not Enlil. Ahriman (77) Dwar (Transylvania) (81) Vishnu (Hindu) Allah, Islamic
*Note: The god who despised mankind and sought their destruction by keeping the secret of the coming deluge from man, according to Sitchin's "The Lost Book of Enki."
*Note: The Phoenicians regarded El-Saturn as their chief deity; Eusebius informs us that El, a name used also in the Bible as a name for God, was the name of Saturn. (34) Praeparatio Evangelica IV.xvi: “Kronos [El] was deified in the star Saturn.” This statement is quoted by Eusebius from Philo’s redaction of the lost Phoenician History of Sanchuniathon. Some classical writers, among them Tacitus (Histories V.4) alleged that the Jews were worshippers of Saturn; cf. Augustine’s refutation in Contra Faustum Manichaeum XX. 13. (34)
*Note: Historians of the first Christian centuries reported that the people who dwelt in the Sinai and its bordering areas of Palestine and North Arabia worshipped the god Dushara ("Lord of the Mountains") and his spouse Allat, "Mother of the Gods." They were of course the male El and the female Elat, his spouse Asherah. The sacred object of Dushara was, fortunately, depicted on a coin struck by the Roman governor of those provinces. It resembles the enigmatic chambers within the Great Pyramid-an inclined stairway ("Ascending Gallery") leading to a chamber between massive stones ("The Kings Chamber") (58) This confirms the article The History of Jehovah concerning Jehovah's concubine Asherah.
In March of 1892, University of Pennsylvania professor of Assyriology Herman Hilprecht was putting the finishing touches on his master work, a survey of ancient Babylonian inscriptions. But two items-fragments of agate that Hilprecht believed were rings from the Temple of Bel at Nippur-defied identification. Tired and frustrated, the Assyriologist assigned the two pieces to his "unclassified" category and reluctantly put the finishing touches on his book.
That night, Hilprecht dreamed that a tall figure dressed in priestly Babylonian garb took the scholar to the treasure chamber of what Hilprecht immediately recognized as the Temple of Bel. The figure then proceeded to explain that Hilprecht's two puzzling pieces of agate were, in fact, two portions of the same ring and, due to a shortage of agate, it had been divided to form earrings for a statue of the god Ninib. If the two pieces were put together, the dream's priest said, they would reveal the entire inscription Hilprecht had labored to decipher.
The next morning, excited by his dream, Hilprecht immediately examined the agate fragments. Sure enough, the two pieces placed side by side read: "To the god Ninib, son of Bel, his lord, has Kurigalzu, High Priest of Bel, presented this." (102)
Ennugi: (Anunnaki, commander of the Anunnaki assigned to the gold mines in the Abzu (1)
Enursag: (Anunnaki, a lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party (1)
Erishkigal: "Mistress of the Great Land" (12) (Anunnaki, granddaughter of Enlil, mistress of the lower world (southern Africa); spouse of Nergal; sister of Inanna (1) probable mother to Ningishzidda (12) Demeter and Persephone ?(73)
Erra: Epithet of Nergal after the nuclear holocaust, meaning the annihilator; see Nergal (1)
Galzu: (A mysterious divine emissary who conveyed the messages in dreams and visions (1)
Geshtinanna: (Dumuzi's sister who betrayed him) (1) Gibil: ("He of the Fire") (12) (Anunnaki, a son of Enki and Damkina, in charge of metallurgy, maker of magical artifacts (1)
Gilgamesh: (Demi-god; King in Uruk; being the son of a goddess, went in search of immortality (1) Gilgamesh has often been compared to the Greek Odysseus.
See: The Epic of Gilgamesh
Guru: (Anunnaki, a lieutenant of Ea at the first landing (1)
Hadad (Hebrew) (3) See Ishkur
Hathor/Hat-Hor (Egyptian) Daughter of Anunnaki Marduk/Ra and human Sarpanit. Sarpanit was the daughter of the biblical Enoch. (1) (4) Wife to Horon/Horus (4) She was also the goddess of love and beauty; for this reason, she was identified often with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Worshiped throughout Egypt, she was often represented as a star-studded cow or as a woman with a cow's head. Her name also appears as Athor or Athyr. (4) Known also as the "Lady of Sinai" and "Lady of Mafkat" (54) Nin-Kursag (72) Nin-Khursag, mother of Inanna (Summerian); Ishtar (Akkadian); Astaroth (Semitic); Aphrodite (Greek); Freja (Norse); Venus (Roman) (74)
Hercules: (Demi-god) Son of Poseidon /Ea and human wife Cleito. One of the ten kings of Atlantis. Also Eumelus and Gadeiros (Hellenic language of the country of Gadeirus) Also Heracles/Herakles, Govinda and Krishna, Canopus is also a name of Hercules in some traditions. (104)
Hermes: (Greek) (Son of Utu) (20) Husband to Hathor (4) Also Mercury (Roman) (4) Anubis was sometimes identified with Hermes in Greek mythology. (4) Also Bacchus, (52) Dionysus, (Greek) (4) also (IHS) in Greek. (See below note); also Liber, which in Latin means a) liberty or release, b) Tree, c) Wine, d) a book, wisdom or secret knowledge, the Hidden Torah. (69) Son of Enlil (77) Also Identified with CHiram (Hiram Abiff) through the inscription on the Emerald Table. (93)
*Note: The letters IHS were the sacred monogram of the Greek god Bacchus. The Christians adopted them and made them the root of the name Jesus. The IHS when Latinized became IES, and adding the Latin masculine suffix -US, that is IES plus US, became IESUS. When anglicized, the 'I' became 'J' thus giving Jesus" (John G. Jackson, Christianity before Christ, p. 166) (55)
... Hermes, the god of wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Set, and Sat-an; and that he was, furthermore, when viewed under his bad aspect, Typhon, the Egyptian Satan , who was also Set." [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled , Vol. I: Science, New York, Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1877, p. 554, xxxiii. Colored Emphasis added]
Horon: (demi-god, the Egyptian god known as Horus (1) Also Netch-Atef "The Avenger" (17) Son of Asar/Osiris and
Asta/Isis (1) (4) Also Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Warrior God Aspect) (25); Sokar was also pictured with the head of a hawk (Horus) (26) Harpocrates (4) Tammuz (60) Some scholars say Horus was Nimrod.
*Note: A statue of Harpocrates, the Greek god of secrecy and silence, was to be found on the premises of the Hellfire Club depicted with a finger held to his mouth. *Harpocrates, the God of Silence, holding his fingers to his mouth, often accompanies the statue of Isis. He warns all to keep the secrets of the wise from those unfit to know them. (90)
Horus: (Egyptian) See Horon
Huwawa: (Robotic guardian of the cedar forest) (1) I AM: (In the King James Version, "I AM" is translated as Jehovah (Yahweh) See note on Ishkur
Ialdabaoth: See Enki
Note: Albert Pike (Luciferian Freemason) teaches that Jesus was from an inferior line of beings, created by Ialdabaoth, who had himself been created by the god Buthos, sexually uniting with Wisdom. [Morals and Dogma, p. 653, teachings of the 26th Degree of Masonry]
Iblis: (The Arab-Persian form of Satan) (30)
Igigi: (The three hundred Anunnaki assigned to shuttlecraft and the way station on Mars; abducted female Earthlings as wives; frequent rebels (1)
ILabrat: (Anunnaki, a vizier and emissary of Anu; fetched Adapa (biblical Adam) for the journey to Nibiru (1) Inanna/Ishtar: "An's Beloved" (12) (Anunnaki, Daughter of Nannar and Ningal, twin sister of Utu; was betrothed to Dumuzi; ferocious in war, lusty in lovemaking; mistress of Uruk and of the Third Region; associated with the planet we call Venus) Ishtar/ Easter (modern day holiday Easter) (Akkadian) (1) Ashtoreth (Canaanites) Ashtaroth; Associated with Astarte (12), Aphrodite (Greeks), Venus (Romans) (4) (12) and Anunitu "Anu's Beloved" ( Asherah (Syrian) (3) Allat/Elat (58) Semiramis/Astraea (Astraea, believed by the Illuminati Medicis in Tuscany to be the ruler of the coming Golden Age) (60) Springmeier also associates Semiramis with Isis, as well as others. Sitchin does not. Hathor (94) Siduri, Irnini (98)
*Note: Historians of the first Christian centuries reported that the people who dwelt in the Sinai and its bordering areas of Palestine and North Arabia worshipped the god Dushara ("Lord of the Mountains") and his spouse Allat, "Mother of the Gods." They were of course the male El and the female Elat, his spouse Asherah. The sacred object of Dushara was, fortunately, depicted on a coin struck by the Roman governor of those provinces. It resembles the enigmatic chambers within the Great Pyramid-an inclined stairway ("Ascending Gallery") leading to a chamber between massive stones ("The Kings Chamber") (58) This confirms the article The History of Jehovah concerning Jehovah's concubine Asherah.
Ishkur: "He of the Mountains" (12) (Anunnaki, youngest son of Enlil by his spouse Ninlil; also known as the Akkadian god Adad (1) Hadad (Hebrew) (3) Also known as Ishkur Shala (9) Viracocha (17); Teshub "Wind/Storm God" (Hittite) (17) El-Shaddai and Yahweh (3) Seems to have appeared as "I Am" in Exodus 6:3. (See below note); god of Mount Sinai; Ares, God of War. (95) Horus, Mars, Aria, Mitra, Ve, Perun, Og (97)
*Note: Exodus 6:3 states "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by [the name of] God Almighty (El Shaddai), but by my name "I AM" was I not known to them." In the King James Version, "I AM" is translated as Jehovah (Yahweh) but means the same: "I AM". The use of "God Almighty" is a traditional translation of Shaddai, thought to have meant "Omnipotent", but arguably it could be linked to the Akkadian root word Shadu, meaning literally "mountains".
And El Shaddai is only one of the versions of God described in Genesis. El Shaddai literally translated means, "God the one of the mountains", but there was also El Olam (God the everlasting one) El Elyon (God most high) El Ro'i (God of vision). The obvious question is, why did YHWH reveal himself to the patriarchs as El Shaddai? The answer lies in the religious traditions of Canaan, where Abraham is said to have lived for a time, and which were brought to Canaan by the Phoenicians. (In turn, the root of Phoenician religious tradition is Sumer). God-the-one-of-the-mountains has a Sumerian equivalent. ISH.KUR, the youngest son of Enlil, means God the one of the far mountains. Ishkur was also known as Adad or Hadad in Hebrew, brother of Nannar/Sin, and was the pre-eminent God of Canaan - El-Shaddai. (3)
Ishtar: (Anunnaki, the Akkadian name for the goddess Inanna (1) See Inanna
Ishum: (Anunnaki, epithet given to Ninurta after the nuclear holocaust, meaning "the scorcher" See Ninurta (1)
Isimud: (Housemaster and vizier of Enki (1)
Jehovah: (In the King James Version, "I AM" is translated as Jehovah (Yahweh) but means the same: "I AM".) (3) See Utu
Jupiter: (Roman) See Utu
*Note: Donnar, or Thor was the name for Jupiter among the Nordic peoples.
*Note: Jupiter has also been called Horomazes (Ahura Mazda); (37)
Kalkal: (Gatekeeper of Enlil's residence in the Abzu) (1)
Kulla: (Anunnaki, a lieutenant of Ea during the first landing) (1) Loki: Loki is Lucifer or Sataniel of the Jotun/Serpent line (106)
Marduk: ("Son of the Pure Mound") (12) (Anunnaki, firstborn son and legal heir of Enki and Damkina; worshipped as Ra in Egypt; jealous of his brothers, unsatisfied with Egypt alone as his domain, claimed and after exiles and wars attained supremacy on Earth from his city Babylon. Evil serpent; Derogatory epithet for Marduk by his enemies (1) Marduk takes as his spouse the human daughter of the biblical Enoch/Enkime, Sarpanit. Also Amun/Ammon/Amon. Also Nectanebus (Greek) (47) Zu, (94)
Mercury: (Roman) See Hermes
Mneseus: (Demi-god) See Prometheus.
Musardu: (Anunnaki, one of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings (1)
Mushdammu: (Anunnaki, a lieutenant of Ea at the first landing (1)
Nabu: (Half Anunnaki, half human, son of Marduk/Ra and human Sarpanit; organized human followers of Marduk (1) also Nebo, god of scribes (4)
Namtar: ("Fate"; Vizier of Ereshkigal in her Lower World domain (The Southern hemisphere, including southern Africa and Antarctica) (1)
Nannar: "The Bright One" (Anunnaki, son of Enlil and Ninlil, the first Anunnaki leader to be born on Earth; patron god of Urim (Ur) and Harren; associated with the Moon; his depiction was the crescent moon; father of twins, Utu and Inanna(1) Nanna: (Sumerian moon god) (4) Sin: (Babylonian and Akkadian) Suen (Semitic) (4) May have been known as Yahweh for a time. (24) Yoreach (Hebrew: masculine, Levana; feminine), der Mond (German, masculine), Mesiatz (Russian, masculine) Luna (Latin, feminine) (33) Has also been referred to as El; and Yerah (Canaanites) (53) Greek Hermes and Egyptian Thoth (94) Buddha, (Asian); Quetzalcoatl (95)
*Note: [Macrobius (Saturnalia VIII. 3) quotes Philochorus as having said that “men offer sacrifices to the moon dressed as women and women dressed as men, because the moon is thought to be both male and female.” (Transl. by P. Davies) (33)
Nebat/Nebt-Hat: (Sister-wife of the Egyptian god Satu/Set the one we call Nephtys/Nephthys (1) Sister to Isis (27) Artemis (Herodotus, a Greek historian of the 5th century BC, described in his second book of his Histories the annual festival of Bast, whom he equated with the Greek goddess Artemis) If Bast then also Bastet or Ubasti, in Egyptian mythology, cat goddess worshiped primarily in the ancient city of Bubastis on the Nile Delta. As the protector of cats, which the ancient Egyptians often kept in their homes as pets, Bast was also an important goddess of the hearth. During the New Kingdom (1539-1075 BC), she became equated with Sekhmet, the lioness deity of war. Bast was also worshiped as the spouse of the creator god, Ptah-seker-ausur, and possessed destructive powers attributed to the sun. Also Greek goddess Artemis. (4) See also Aleister Crowley and the "Sirians"
Nectanebus (Greek) See Marduk, (47)
Nergal: "Great Watcher" (12) (Anunnaki, Brother to Marduk; A son of Enki and Damkina, ruler of the lower Abzu with his spouse Ereshkigal; unleashed the nuclear weapons with Ninurta (1)
Netch-Atef: See Horon
Nimrod: Nimrod was probably the most notorious man in the ancient world who is discredited with instigating the Great Rebellion at Babel, and founding the very features of paganism, including the introduction of magic astrology and human sacrifice. There is, moreover, much evidence to suggest that he himself was worshipped from the very earliest times. His name, for example was perpetuated in those of Nimurda, the Assyrian god of war, Marduk, the Babylonian king of the gods; and the Sumerian deity Amarutu.
His image was likewise incorporated very early on in the Chaldean zodiac as a child seated on his mother's lap, and both mother and child were worshipped - a pattern since repeatedly followed throughout history. He was also worshipped as the god Bacchus, this name being derived from the Semitic Cush, meaning the son of Cush. A mountain not far from Ararat has been called Nimrud Dagh (Mount Nimrod) from the earliest times, and the ruins of Birs Nimrud bear the remains of what is commonly reputed to be the original Tower of Babel. Likewise, Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World (1634) shows a map in which the Caspian Sea was once known as the 'Marde Bachu', or the Sea of Bacchus. One of the chief cities of Assyria was named Nimrud, and the Plain of Shinar, known to the early Syrians as Sen'ar, was itself once known as the Land of Nimrod. Iraqi and Iranian Arabs speak his name with awe even today, and such is the notoriety of the man that his historical reality is quite beyond dispute. (101) I don't think all of the above is correct, especially referencing Nimrod to Marduk. Nimug: (Anunnaki, One of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings (1)
Nimul: Mother of Ea/Enki by Anu; not being an official spouse and half sister, her son, though firstborn, lost the succession to Enlil, whose mother was Antu (1)
Ningal: (Wife/mate of Nannar/Sin, son of Enlil) (7) Mother of Inanna/Aphrodite (10d) Also Nikhal, (Canaanites) (53) Also Known as "Mother of Sumer" at Ur. (57) Leto (Greek)
Ninagal: "Prince of the Great Waters" (12) (A son of Enki and Damkina, appointed him to navigate the boat of the hero (biblical Noah) of the Deluge (1) Ningirsig: (Anunnaki, a lieutenant of Ea at the first landing) (1)
Ningishzidda: "Lord of the Artifact/Tree of Life" (12) (Anunnaki, son of Enki probably by Enlils granddaughter Erishkigal (12), master of genetics and other sciences; called Tehuti (Thoth) in ancient Egypt; went with followers to the America's after he was deposed by his brother Marduk) (1) Winged Serpent: (Epithet of Ningishzidda in the America's) (1) Ningiszida (See below note) Kukulkan (Maya) (31) Gucumatz "God of the Air" (the Quiches of Guatemala); Ehecatle and Nanihehecatl, "Lord of the Four Winds" (Aztec) also Tlauiscalpentecutli, "Lord of the Light of Dawn" identified him with Venus. Bochicha, (Columbians), Wakee, (Polynesian) (46) Votan, Itzamana (85)
*Note: Each Ubaid figurine has it own unique pose. By far the strangest and most compelling shows a naked female holding a baby to her left breast. The infant's left hand clings on to the breast, and there can be little doubt that it is suckling milk. It is a very touching image, although it bears one chilling feature - the child has long slanted eyes and the head of a reptile.
This is highly significant, for it suggests that the baby was seen as having been born with these features. In other words, the `lizard-like' heads of the figurines are not masks, or symbolic animalistic forms, but abstract images of an actual race believed by the Ubaid people to have possessed such reptilian qualities. In the past these `lizard-like' figurines have been identified by scholars as representations of the Mother Goddess - a totally erroneous assumption since some of them are obviously male - while ancient astronaut theorists such as Erich von Daniken have seen fit to identity them as images of alien entities. *See: Shamballa: Emerald Tablets of Thoth: TABLET I: THOTH - The Atlantean
*Note: 3000 BC is suppose to be the approximate date for the first written Sumerian records. Some Sumerian statuettes are reptilian. Dr. Arthur Horn says the Sumerians interacted with the Annunaki, who were reptilian.
*The Chaldeans taught that in most ancient times a race of Extraterrestrials, the Serpent Men, Nakash-Na, warred with the Titans; they may have been Uranids usurped by Cronus. The Serpent which tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden to eat the forbidden fruit probably symbolizes a Serpent Man from Space teaching occult wisdom, black magic, thus encompassing the destruction of Atlantis and bitter hardship for Man. (45)
Ninguanna: (Anunnaki, one of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings) (1)
Ninharsag: (Epithet of Ninmah after she was granted an abode in the Sinai peninsula. See Ninmah. (1)
Ninib: (Enlils son) (1) Some scholars believe another name for Ninib was Shalem. (59)
Ninimma: (One of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings) (1)
Ninkashi: (Female Anunnaki in charge of beer-making) (1)
Ninki: ("Lady Earth") (12) (Anunnaki, also title of Damkina, Ea's spouse, when he was entitled Enki ("Lord of Earth") (1) Mother to Marduk. (64); Stregoica (Transylvania); Lamia? (Greece); Lilith/An (Persia, Arabia and Israel) and just outside Tunbridge Wells she is "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" immortalized in Keats poem of the same name. (68) Libya, (Greece)
*Various pictures of Enki/Samael and Ninki/Lilith depict them as entwined around a tree. Often the tree is Lilith herself, with Samael as the serpent or Dragon resting in her branches as in Hebriac Iconography where Lilith is the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden....Archaeologists working in Tartaria in the Ubaid territory of Transylvania discovered a "tepes" or Rath under which they found a fire-pit dated to about 5000 BC. Buried amongst the ashes were the human remains of a cannibalistic sacrificial victim and two clay tablets. On these were the name Enki (Samael, the number of Anu-60- and the image of a goat, Enki again, and a Tree-Lilith. The pictographic nature of the inscriptions convinced the archaeologists that the language was the forerunner of the Sumerian and so they called it proto-Sumerian. (66)
Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl
[Is 34:14] Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. Footnote: [1] Lilith: a female demon thought to roam about the desert. [Is 34:15] There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none shall be missing its mate.
Ninlil: ("Lady of the Command") (Espoused by Enlil after she forgave his date rape; Mother of Nannar and Ishkur) (1) Originally her name was Sud (5) Also Mulliltu (4) Ninlil is the equivalent of Maia/Maya (Greek) (94) Ninmada: (One of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings) (1)
Ninmah: (Half sister of Enki and Enlil, Firstborn daughter of Anu (by a different concubine then Enki and Enlil (5); mother of Ninurta by Enlil; chief medical officer of the Anunnaki; helped Enki to genetically engineer the Primitive Worker; peacemaker among the rival and warring Anunnaki clans; also Ninharsag/Ninkhursag (1) "Mistress of the Mountainhead" (10b) Some equate Ninmah/Ninharsag with Isis/Hera, later renamed Juno by the Romans. Ninkhursag is also known by many other names such as NIN-TI (the Lady who gives Life), MAM-MU (The Creator Goddess), a name from whence came our word Mama. [Comment: In the lands of the Mayans, she was known as "Pachamama." (94)
*Note: Even the British title of Sir, conferred by the Queen on her selected subjects, comes from an ancient snake-goddess (reptilian) called Sir, which relates to the Anunnaki goddess, Ninlil or Ninkharsag, in the Sumerian tablets. (107)
Ninmug: (One of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings) (1)
Ninshubar: (Chambermaid of Inanna) (1) Ninsun: (The Anunnaki mother of Gilgamesh) (1) See: The Epic of Gilgamesh
Ninurta: (Enlil's foremost son, mothered by Enlil's half sister Ninmah, and his legal successor; battled with Anzu, who seized the Tablets of Destinies, and with Marduk; found alternative sources for gold and established alternative space facilities in the America's; patron god of Lagash (1) Scorcher: (epithet for Ninurta in his role in the use of nuclear weapons) (1) Also know as Ninurta Ba'u (9) "The Great Protector" by the descendants of Kain/Cain. (10c)
Nisaba: (Goddess of writing and measuring) (1) Nudimmud: (An epithet for E-A meaning He Who Fashions Things)
Nunga: (Pilot of spacecraft) (1)
Nusku: (Enlil's vizier and emissary) (1) (Nusku, we know from Sumerian God list, was a member of Sin's entourage) (22)
Persephone: See Erishkigal
Pluto: (Supposed brother of Zeus/Utu) Also known as Hades.
Poseidon: (Greek) God of the Sea; See Enki
Prometheus: (Demi-god) Son of EA/Poseidon and human wife Cleito. One of the ten kings of Atlantis. Also known as Mneseus. (103), (104)
Ptah: (Enki's name in Egypt; meaning "the Developer", it commemorates his deeds in raising the land from under the Flood's waters) (1) See: E-A
Quetzacoatl: Quetzacoatl (14) Ningiszida (See below note) Kukulkan (Maya) (31) Gucumatz "God of the Air" (the Quiches of Guatemala); Ehecatle and Nanihehecatl, "Lord of the Four Winds" (Aztec) also Tlauiscalpentecutli, "Lord of the Light of Dawn" identified him with Venus. Bochicha, (Columbians), Wakee, (Polynesian) (46) Votan, Itzamana (85) (Zach Sitchin relates him to Ningishzidda, others such as Graham Hancock in "Finger-Prints of the Gods relate him to Viracocha)
Ra: (The Egyptian name for Marduk, meaning the bright one (1) See: Marduk
Rama: See Utu
Sadarnunna: " I am the Lady Adda-Guppi, mother of Nabuna'id, king of Babylon, devotee of the gods Sin, Ningal, Nusku and Sadarnunna, my deities, to whose godliness I have been pious ever since my childhood." Adda-Guppi was an eye witness to the god Sin's departure to the heavens. "It was in the sixteenth year of Nabupolassar, king of Babylon, when Sin, lord of the gods, became angry with his city and his temple and went up to heaven; and the city and the people in it went to ruin." The year was 610 BC: (23)
Sarpanit: (Earthling female, daughter of the biblical Enoch; spouse of the Anunnaki Marduk, mother of Nabu) (1) also Zarpanit. (21) Sarpanitum (4)
Satu: (Son of Marduk and human Sarpanit, the Egyptian god known as Seth/Set) (1) Sometimes in Egyptian called "Seth of Saphon" and Ba'al (51) Also Typhon (Greek) (19), (89) Set is often considered to be the Egyptian counterpart to the Judeo-Christian personality known as Satan (41) Mot, ("Smiter, Annihilator") (Hittite) (51) Shem. (89) Aiwass (99) This was the name of the entity Aliester Crowley was in contact with. Also Set/Sut. God of the South (100) Also Apollo and Helios. (4) Others have equated Apollo with Utu. I believe this is incorrect.
*Note: New Age author and founder of the Luciferian secret society called House of Theosophy, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, writes of the god, Set. "... Hermes, the god of wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Seth, Set, and Sat-an, and that he was, furthermore, when viewed under his bad aspect, Typhon, the Egyptian Satan, who was also Set." (Isis Unveiled, Vol. I, Science, New York, Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1877, p. 554, xxxiii) (42)
*Note: Christian author, Bill Schnoebelen, former practicing Satanist, says that the Egyptian worship of Set was truly abominable. He says, "in ancient Egypt, Set was worshipped with obscene, homosexual rituals". These rituals performed for Set/Sirius were so horrible and debased that "later rulers of Egypt defaced their temples and obelisks and tried to drive them from the land." (Schnoebelen, Twice The Child of Hell, p.9) (42)
Serapis: (Greek) See Asar (4)
Set: See Satu
Seth: See Satu
Shamash: "Sun god" (12) (Akkadian name for Utu) (1) See: Utu
Shamgaz: (A leader of the Igigi (Anunnaki stationed on Mars) and instigator of the abduction of Earthling females) (1) also the god Keb (Earth) husband to the goddess Nut (Sky) (4) Shemyaza (28) Semjaza (See Below Note) Keb? (4) *Note: Enoch 10:11 .....' And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves.
Sin: (The Akkadian name for Nannar) (1) See Nannar Suzianna: (One of the seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings) (1)
Tehuti: (Egyptian name for Ningishzidda as "Thoth" the god of science and knowledge) (1) See Ningishzidda Teshub: See Ishkur
Tezcatlpoca: ("The Smoking Mirror") Vanquished Quetzalcoatl out of Mexico. Reintroduced human sacrifice. Was associated with night, darkness and the sacred jaguar. He was invisible and implacable, appearing to men sometimes as a flying shadow, sometimes as a dreadful monster. Often depicted as a glaring skull, he was said to have been the owner of a mysterious object, the Smoking Mirror after which he was named, which he made use of to observe from afar the activities of men and gods. (86) Thoth: (Egyptian) See Ningishzidda Ullu-Yah: ("He Of The Peaks"?) Hittites (50) Could this be Ishkur?
Ulmash: (A lieutenant of Ea at the first landing) (1)
Utu: "The Shiny One" (12) ("Shamash/Shemesh in Akkadian (1); twin brother of Inanna; son of Nannar and Ningal (7); commander of the Spaceport of Sippar in pre-Diluvial times and of the one in the Sinai after the Deluge; giver of laws from his cult center in Sippar after the Deluge; Godfather of Gilgamesh) (1) Also Ba'al/Baal (Hebrew) (Canaanite); Some say Zeus. I don't believe this is correct. Zeus, seems to be Enlil. *IOVE (I.O.M.H.) (Greek) (20) (52) Jupiter (Roman) (4) Moloch/Molech (4) Thor and also Donnar (Nordic) (32) Zedek (35) Some scholars believe another name for Utu was Shalem (59) Prince Utu's name in the Mayan language was/is Xochipili. Utu/Shamash was known in Greek mythology as the Sun God Apollo, later renamed Helios by the Romans. (I don't believe this is correct) In Egypt he was known as the God Harpocrates. (94) Rama (95) Tamendonare, (Incan); Varpulis, (Slavonic) (98) Could this also be Amarutu?
*I.O.M.H. - the legend standing for IOVE (Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus: the Optimal and Maximal Jupiter the Heliopolitan.) (52)
*El, a sky god, lost importance or was displaced by Baal, a weather god symbolized by a bull and lightning bolt. The life and death of Baal were identified with prosperity and drought. Important goddesses included Anath, Baal's wife and sister. She was fierce and violent, wearing a necklace of severed human heads. Like Baal, she lived on a mountaintop. (4)
In the Tractate Shabbat of the Babylonian Talmud it is said that in order to teach Abraham the futility and meaninglessness of astrology, the Lord let the planet Zedek, or Jupiter, change its rising point from west to east:
“Go forth (i.e. cease) thy planet-(gazing), for Israel is free from planetary influence. What is thy calculation? Because Zedek (Jupiter) stands in the West? I will turn it back and place it in the East.” And thus it is written, Who hath raised up Zedek from the East? He hath summoned it for his sake (sc. for the sake of Abraham) (36)
*Note: The meaning of the name Melchizedek is “Zedek is [My] King.” Zedek, as said, is the name of the planet Jupiter, remaining so in the astronomy of the Jews in later ages. In the Talmud Zedek refers to Jupiter. (Cf. W. M. Feldman, Rabbinical Mathematics and Astronomy (New York, 1931)
*Note: Shabbat 156b, I Epstein ed., (London, 1935). Cf. Isaiah 41:2. “Zedek also has the meaning of “righteousness” or “justice” and therefore the sentence is often rendered incorrectly as: “Who raised up the righteous (man) from the east.” Cf. Hommel, JSOR (1927) (36)
Venus: (Roman name for Inanna. See Inanna) (3) (4) ...sculpture was created that had open forms—that is, forms that tended to carry the eyes of the viewer beyond the space occupied by the figures—and an emotionally charged style. Famous examples include the Sleeping Satyr (Palazzo Barberini, Rome); the Nike of Samothráki, or Winged Victory, and the Aphrodite of Melos, better known as the Venus de Milo (both in the Louvre). (4)
Viracocha: Viracocha "Foam of the Sea", (Andean Legends); Ticci- Viracocha, (Zach Sitchin relates Viracocha to Ishkur, Some others relate him to Osiris) Huaracocha, Pachaccan, Con, Con Ticci or Kon Tiki, Thunupa, Taapac Tupaca/Tarpaca and Illa. (83)
Vulcan: See Bilkan
Winged Serpent: (Epithet of Ningishzidda in the America's) (1) See Ningishzidda
Yahweh: (The name Yahweh can also be translated as "I am who I am", literally a way of saying "mind your own business", a way of disguising his true identity) (3)
*Note: Seems to have been more than one god who has appeared in this name!
Zeus: (Greek) See Utu
Ziusudra: (Demi-god; Hero of the Deluge, a son of Enki by the Earthling female Batanash, while she was married to Lu-Mach (the biblical Noah) (1)
Each major god was given a numerical "name" which represented his rank in the hierarchy. In this way, numbers were used as a sort of cryptography. The numerical ranks of the Sumerian ruling deities were assigned in descending order of importance: Anu 60 Antu 55 Enlil 50 Ninlil 45 Enki 40 Ninki 35 Nannar 30 Ningal 25 Utu 20 Inanna 15 Ishkur 10 Ninkhursag 5
Numbers ending in 5 were assigned to the distaff side. According to Sumerian tradition, only males could command, a policy that caused much distress in the affairs of the Middle East, for Inanna refused to accept her status and intrigued and plotted almost continuously to gain political power.
The number 50 not only represented the rank of Enlil, but also his position as chief of all the activities on Earth. After the Deluge, when the younger gods challenged the authority of the older gods for leadership, Enlil's military aide Ninurta assumed the title of 'fifty" and thereby lay claim to the mantle of leadership which apparently had been vacated by Enlil.
Besides Ninurta, there was another claimant to the leadership. Marduk, the eldest son of Enki, was unranked in the pantheon; he also assumed the title of "fifty" as he proclaimed himself chief of Babylon. (94)